ISO이미지를 쉽게 시디로 구울 수 있게 해주는 Active@ ISO Burner 입니다.

여타 CD burner 프로그램들은 너무 복잡하고 무거워서 사용하기 불편했는데

이 프로그램은 설치도 필요없고 심플하고 굉장히 가벼워서 사용하기 편하네요.
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Unzip archive and run the executable.



Download the utility and run it



Installation package


Active@ ISO Burner software is free for distribution and commercial use.

거기다가 프리웨어이니 금상첨화!
Net Transport (NetXfer)는 분할 다운로드를 지원하는 다운로드 관리 프로그램입니다.
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Net Transport (NetXfer) 특징
파일 분할 다운로드(최대 10개로 분할)
: 이어받기 지원(FTP 서버에서 지원 시)
동시에 여러 개의 파일 다운로드
웹 페이지 내의 파일 모두 다운로드 및 선택 다운로드 가능
사이트 탐색기를 이용한 FTP 서버 접속 및 파일 다운로드
다양한 프로토콜을 통한 다운로드 가능
: http/https
: FTP/SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)/SFTP(SSH File transfer Protocol)
: MMS(Microsoft Media Services)
: RTSP(Real-Time Streaming Protocol)
: PNM(rename PNM to TRSP)
P2P 프로토콜 지원 및 다운로드 기능
: Torrent 다운로드 지원
: eMule 서버 접속, 검색 및 다운로드 지원
조작법 난이도 : 쉬움
한글 메뉴 : 지원

Net Transport (NetXfer)를 이용하면 하나의 사이트에서 파일을 모두 또는 확장자에 의한
선택적인 다운로드를 받을 수 있습니다.
다운로드 시, 속도가 느린 서버의 경우 분할 다운로드 기능을 이용하여
평소보다 10배 빠른 속도로 다운로드가 가능하므로 시간도 절약되고 편리합니다.

일반적인 웹 서비스인 HTTP 방식은 물론 ftp와 같은 파일 서버,
스트리밍 서비스인 mms 등에서도 파일을 다운로드할 수 있기 때문에
다기능 파일 다운로드 프로그램으로 사용이 가능합니다.

Main Features:
1. You can use the simple but powerful "File Manager" to categorize and manage downloaded files more efficiently.
2. Simple multi-user management. You can maintain several databases by logging on Windows with different username.
3. You can use the inbuilt "Site Explorer" to list the directory structure of the remote server, and easily select the desired files. FTP is the most powerful item in NetXfer.
4. FTP reuse mechanism allows you to use one connection to get different files from the same site. If you like, you can use accessory FTP client tool called "FTP Transport (FtpXfer)".
5. The "Multiple Proxies mode" allows you to assign every working thread a different proxy to break certain site restrictions, like only one connection per IP.
6. Proxies with NTLM authentication can penetrate local firewall, like Microsoft ISA 2000.
7. You can adjust the bandwidth usage of Net Transport to ensure surf at the same time.
8. Monitor browser click. And you can add links through Internet Explorer extended context menu, or drag links to the "drop zone" window, etc.
9. Net Transport can automatically shutdown the system or hang up the modem once all downloads are completed.
10. Multilingual support for the user interface. I will be glad if you help me localize NetXfer.
11. NTLM authentication is supported for both MMS and RTSP. In addition, RN5 authentication works for RTSP.
12. You can use multi-threads for both MMS and RTSP to significantly reduce the time of downloads.
13. Automatically parse streaming script such as .asx, .smi to acquire real URLs.
14. Support SSL encryption for both HTTP and FTP, which is called https and ftps. Also support one-time password to protect your authentication information. Normally password is in the form of clear text, which is easily stolen by IP packet monitor tools. Presently NetXfer is the only one can download https streaming via SOCKS5.
15. Support SSH encryption, which is hardly found in other upload/download tools for Windows.
16. The flexible "Scheduler Manager" is also most powerful item in NetXfer. Even you can record the dynamic URL according to time and save it as your desire filename.
17. In version 2, you can record the clip with range.
18. On BitTorrent protocol, you can use proxy to download, upload by UPnP. NetXfer supports HTTP/HTTPS/UDP Tracker.


          複輻?                                        ?       賽複?
  複複昉栢?      栢栢?      栢賞?        栢方?      蔔三?       賞昉꿀複?
     賽三百       昉蔔?栢     蔔꿉      賽 昉 栢 蔔栢?栢 글        殯꿉賽
        ?霜      栢 栢 昉?  栢丙?     栢 昉 栢 栢?  昉蔔?      輻 ?
        賞??     ?賽 昉複?賽賽?     꾼  ?賽 昉     賽?      ?丙?
         昉複           賽賽                      賽               複꾼
          꾼?                                                     栢?
          栢? Supplied by.....TeaM CzW  Release type.......Crack  栢?
          栢? Cracked by......TeaM CzW  Protection........Serial  栢?
          栢? Packaged by.....TeaM CzW  Release size......3.75MB  栢?
          栢? Release date..2008-06-24  Operating system..WinALL  栢?
         蔔栢                                                      栢白
        兵栢?                                                     賞께?
        ?複輻?                                                 賽複??
  複複栢昉?      昉栢?      栢賞?     栢栢?     複複             賞昉꿀複?
     賽賞百       栢蔔?栢     蔔幡      栢 昉 蔔賞꿉栢霜幡栢        査견賽
        ?霜      께 꾼 꾼    昉蔔?     栢 昉 栢 栢 栢 昉賽?      輻 ?
        賞??     ?賽 꾼複?賽賽?      ?賽 昉蔔?昉 栢蔔?     ?蔔?
         栢複           賽賽                    賽?     賽?      複栢
         갛栢                                                      栢?
          꾼? NetTransport is  a faster,  exciting and  the most  꾼?
          栢? powerful    downloading    tool,    now   supports  께?
          栢? HTTP/HTTPS,   FTP/FTPS/SFTP(SSH   File    transfer  꾼?
          栢? Protocol),    MMS(Microsoft    Media    Services),  栢?
          꾼? RTSP/PNM(Real-Time      Streaming       Protocol),  栢?
          께? BitTorrent, eMule. NetTransport also have flexible  栢?
          栢? 'File Manager'  to manage  your downloaded  files,  栢?
          栢? powerful 'Site Explorer' to browse site  directory  栢?
          栢? structure and config site settings, 'URL  Sniffer'  栢?
          栢? to catch real  streaming URL. An  accessorial tool  꾼?
          栢? called 'FTP Transport' is a FTP client, allows you  꾼?
          栢? upload files to your FTP/SSH server.                栢?
          栢?                                                     栢?
          栢?                                                     栢?
          栢?  MORE iNFO:http://www.net-xfer.com/                 栢?
          栢?                                                     栢?
          栢?                                                     栢?
          栢?                                                     栢?
         蔔栢                                                      栢꿀
        蔔栢?                                                     賞栢?
        ?複輻?                                                 賽複??
  複複栢께?          賽 複複  栢賞?複複  昉꾼?     昉             賞昉白複?
     賽賞꿇           꾼 昉賞?賽白?三幡?昉蔔?栢   昉             殯꿉賽
        ?霜          꾼 昉 栢 꾼蔔? 꾼   栢 栢갛?  栢複?        輻 ?
        賞??        賽 賞 栢 賽賽? 栢   賽 賽 꾼複輻賽?        ?蔔?
         栢複                                    賽賽              複꾼
         갛栢                                                      昉?
         갛꾼       1.UNZiP,UNRAR,iNSTALL PROGRAM.                 栢?
          昉?      2.COPY CRACKED FiLE TO APP'S DiR.              栢?
          栢?      3.ENJOY!                                       栢?

프로그램설치-crack 폴더안의 파일 복사
C:\Program Files\Xi\NetXfer붙여넣기하시면 됩니다.

Net Transport 2.60 Build 402 UNICODE-NT/2000/XP/2003에 설치
Net Transport 2.60 Build 402 vista x86-Vista x86 에 설치
사용자 삽입 이미지

USB 메모리를 통해 감염되는 Autorun 바이러스를 삭제해줍니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지

WINASO Registry Optimizer 4.0 Portable - 5,92 MB

WinASO Registry Optimizer is an advanced registry cleaner and optimizer for Windows that allows you to safely clean and repair registry problems with a few simple mouse clicks. It scans the windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. By fixing these obsolete information in windows registry, your system will run faster and error free. With a few easy steps, WinASO Registry Optimizer will scan your entire registry for any invalid entries and provide a list of the errors found. You can then choose to clean each item or automatically repair them all after making a backup. WinASO Registry Optimizer can restoring Internet Explorer setting, including IE Home Page, IE Window Title, etc.
WinASO Registry Optimizer is well designed to fix common problems such as denied access to missing drives and disks and illegally modified Internet Explorer pages. Substantial testing has been done on this software to ensure the safety of your system.

WinASO Registry Optimizer is well designed to fix common problems such as denied access to missing drives and disks and illegally modified Internet Explorer pages. Substantial testing has been done on this software to ensure the safety of your system. We have not received any complaints about the system stability.

Support Windows - 98/ME/NT(SP6)/2000/XP/XP64/2003/Vista

Changes in Version 4.0:
- provides several scanning improvements to safely and quickly identify more registry errors and enhance PC performance.
- With the newly added System Information function in WinASO, you can know all about your computer hardware instantly.

'OS' 카테고리의 다른 글

Net Transport v2.60 build 402  (0) 2008.07.20
Autorun Virus Remover 2.3 - Autorun 바이러스 제거  (0) 2008.07.04
CPU-Z 1.46 - 내컴의 시스템분석  (0) 2008.06.29
CPU-Z v1.45  (0) 2008.05.24
키보드 키값 10진수, 16진수 2진수 8진수  (0) 2008.05.10
사용자 삽입 이미지

is a diagnostic tool that provides information on your CPU,
including: processor name and vendor, core stepping and process, processor
package, internal and external clocks, clock multiplier, partial overclock
detection, processor features, supported instructions sets, L1 and L2 cache
information, location, size, speed, and technology.
• Name and number.
• Core stepping and
• Package.
• Core voltage.
• Internal and external clocks,
clock multiplier.
• Supported instructions sets.
• Cache

• Vendor, model and revision.
model and date.
• Chipset (northbridge and southbridge) and sensor.

Graphic interface.

• Frequency and timings.

Module(s) specification using SPD (Serial Presence Detect) : vendor, serial
number, timings table.

• Windows and DirectX

• AMD Puma platform (Turion & Turion
Ultra "Griffin").
• AMD Black Edition processors.
• Intel Xeon EX

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